Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving and Trees

Time for recap!

Thanksgiving was fun! Wednesday evening we premade the mashed potatoes (which were AWESOME!! Thanks PW) and the Pumpkin Cake. I thought we had a pretty good jump on things so we went to bed at a reasonable hour.

Thursday morning rolled around and I was woken up by T telling me someone was knocking on the door. I panicked, thinking that perhaps we had overslept and Mom was at the door. I looked at my phone and it read 7:55 a.m. I stumbled to the door, muttering and cursing whoever it was that would DARE to disturb my sleep. I yanked open the door (in my PJs and disheveled hair glory) to find no one there. Lightbulb! I returned to bed, glaring at him because he had obviously been dreaming. And decided it was real. BLAST HIM FOR TAKING AWAY THOSE 15 MINUTES.

Anyhow, as I lay there, I realized I did not feel all that good. My nose was slightly stuffy and my throat hurt. Now, normally when I wake up and feel this way, it's because the house had been cold that evening. So, I figured after I took a shower I would feel better, as is usually the case.

It was not.

I watched the parade as we waited for Mom to get there. I hadn't watched the parade for YEARS so it was a real treat to actually see it in it's entirety. One of the last floats made me cry. It was a Winter Wonderland themed float with children dressed in early 1900s clothing and a woman singing "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus". I have always loved that story. But that's another post.

Anyhow, Mom arrived and we proceeded to cook dinner. And I proceeded to feel worse and worse. But I muddled through. The cooking went off without much incident. Well, some butter did spill to the bottom on the oven and cause the whole condo to smoke up, but that's ok! Still tasted great!

Berenice and her son came over as did Chip and his wee family unit. All in all, it was a very nice day. After everyone left, I collapsed into a heap and did not move for the next four days. Yay flu! I have learned my lesson - flu shot! I was literally incapacitated for DAYS. Awful. Terrible.

So, yesterday evening I put up my Christmas tree. I was so happy it was up. I love the glow a Christmas tree gives off. Makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. Something about this time of year makes everything seem more..magical. Maybe it's a way for me to hold on to my childhood just a bit longer or perhaps it's just the season itself. Who knows.

Either way, my tree looks pretty.


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