Monday, December 27, 2010

A Happy Accident

I do believe the past week or so can be summed up in a handy dandy little list - with quotes!

Christmas Eve: Went shopping with Fallon. Yes, yes I know. "Who shops on Christmas Eve???" you say. Well..we do! And honestly, it wasn't that bad. We went early and beat most of the rush. Started out at 9am and ended around 1 or so. I loved spending time with her. I got the best Christmas present. And it came in a rather pretty blue box...bwahahaha.

Favorite Quote: "I don't put my junk in your trunk!"
"Really..did you just?"
"Yeah...I totally did..."

Christmas Day: Woke up in a spectacularly Christmasy (yes, it's word) mood. I was buzzing around the house, getting everything ready. I even drove all the way to my mom's house blasting "Christmas Vacation" and belting it out at the top of my lungs. Oh yes friends, BELT-ING. But you know what? If you can't sing terribly in your car, then where can you? What kind of people would we be if there was no belting out of songs in the safety of your vehicle? Hmm? Exactly. Got to mom's and proceeded to cook and open presents. I got some great stuff. My mom LOADED me up with snowmen this year. It was great!

Favorite Quotes: "You see that box? You see the effort? Yes.."
"Yes mom - the pine cone was a nice touch"

Christmas Day night: Went down to St. Augustine to see the Festival of Lights. I have lived in Jacksonville most of my life and I have NEVER been down to see the lights before. Crazy! Anyhow, the lights were beautiful. They took my breath away. The square had a HUGE Christmas Tree in the middle of it. There were also tons of people, helping feed the needy. That really touched my heart. To see those people giving up their time on Christmas to help those less fortunate than they are. I think that perhaps next year I want to do something like that. I am extremely fortunate and I feel that my time could be better spent by helping those who need it rather than stuffing myself silly. But I digress. Had the world's strongest martini. Holy Moses. It was STRONG. But tasty nonetheless! I had a blast down there and feel incredibly lucky that I was given that opportunity.

Favorite Quotes: "Whoa! It's like drinking gasoline! It burns all the way down!!" Ha. Ha. Ha.
"Oh my're like a Hobbit! I just want to pick you up and say 'look how big you're getting!'"
"Look! It's snowing in Florida!"

All in all, I had really great holiday. I hope everyone else had a great Christmas! Now - New Years!


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