Thursday, December 23, 2010

Take Comfort...

So I'm back from The Villages. I had a really good time seeing my dad and just getting away from things. It brought a lot of clarity. And Tron. It brought Tron as well. But I'll get to that in a minute. First things first.

As I said in my previous post, the drive was incredibly peaceful. I loved going down the back roads and seeing the lesser-known parts of Florida. It made me fall in love my state all over again. Sounds corny, but some of the landscapes were truly beautiful. The farmlands with the huge pastures. The orange groves for miles. The bear-crossing signs. All of them made me smile. I can't wait to go another trip and see something different. I think that's what brought me the most pleasure, seeing the new things. Seeing something different from the everyday highways of Jacksonville. The little towns I passed through were incredibly rural and poor. But I saw people walking down the street, happy. I also saw about eight hundred trucks...but I digress.

The Villages! Still perfect. I have some pictures because I got a lovely new camera for Christmas from my dad, which was really nice! I took a few pictures on my way out The Villages so I wasn't able to take pictures of the Town Squares. I really wanted to, but alas, it was not to be. Oh well. Next time.

My dad and I went to see Tron and it was incredible. The effects were so...awesome. That's really the only phrase that I can find that will work. But even that pales in comparison to the actual effects. The world they were able to create was so beautiful and breath-taking. Not just the grid (anyone who has seen Tron knows what the grid is), but off the grid as well. The clouds in the electronic god. When they were on the freight train I got a tad misty. Not because the dialog was so profound, but because the scenery was just....beautiful. Everyone needs a little beauty in their lives, even if it's on a movie screen.

I think maybe that's what is lacking in the world today. Beauty. And not to get all hippy on you, but some things just need to be appreciated. I saw so much beauty when I was driving. The leaves changing colors (yes, they change here in Florida, thanks), the willow trees lining the streets, the lakes shimmering in the mid-morning sun. Sometimes I think I miss these things in the hustle and bustle of my everyday life. And it was comforting to me to know that in everything that happens in this world, there are still places like that. People can get jaded in their lives and sometimes need reminding that there are things to appreciate and take joy in. I know I needed to be reminded of that, and I was.

So take comfort loves. Life can still be beautiful.


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