Friday, December 10, 2010

Proper Grammar

Just a tid-bit. I am a spelling and grammar Nazi. It literally makes me angry when people do not use proper grammar and/or spelling when they write something. If you are going to write something for more than one person to see, please make sure you spell shit correctly.

For example: (and this may gross some of you [haha, some of you] out) In the ladies bathroom stalls in my building, someone has posted signs on the inside of the doors for us to read whilst taking a tinkle. They say:

"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be sweet and wipe the seat".


However, some lovely lady decided to add an addendum to one of these signs. It reads as follows:

"Hover rule number one - left (sic) the seat and you don't need to wipe".

First of all, who takes a pen with them into the bathroom? Who thinks to themselves - "Self, I need to add a note to that sign, just that one sign, not the others, to inform some lucky woman of the first rule of hovering"?

Second of all, how on earth did she reach?? Maybe it's odd to me since I have arms like a T-Rex. I do. I'm a midget with short..everything. Thanks dad. But in any case! Did she kneel down on the floor (OMG EWWWWW)? Did she pull the door to her? Why would you TOUCH the door??? I mean, I was reading an article that said when you flush, "particles" *ahem* fly out of the potty. WHY WOULD YOU TOUCH THE DOOR????? *shudder*

And thirdly - "left"? How does one "left" a seat? I'm assuming the poor lass meant "lift" and I tell you it takes every ounce of my willpower not to take a red pen into the bathroom with me and correct this woman's spelling mistake.

Like I said, Nazi.


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