Thursday, December 9, 2010


Everyone deals with stress in different ways. Me? I just stop eating. And I sleep. A lot. Oh, and my stomach goes absolutely haywire, hence the not eating. Not exactly the best way to deal with stress, but hey, we're all different.

Things have been happening recently that have put me under an intense amount of strain and an enormous amount of stress. Hell, I'm down to 126. Yeah, I just put my weight out there on the internet. Most people GAIN weight over the holidays. Not I! Nay nay, I just cease to eat.


Anyhow, I need a vacation, Desperately. In about a week and a half I am going out of town to go see my dad down in The Villages for Christmas. For those that don't know what The Villages is, it's basically retirement Mecca. A geriatric Disney World, if you will. You have to be over 55 years old to live there and EVERYONE owns a golf-cart. If you don't, well, you are just a social pariah and have no business in The Villages. As my father likes to put it: "It's a drinking community with a golfing problem". Yuk yuk. 

If you're curious, go here: The Villages

Anyhow, this place honestly looks like something straight out of the Stepford Wives. Everything is perfect. I mean PER-FECT. Lawns are all manicured and there is no litter...anywhere. They have more golf courses than I can count, hence the golf carts everywhere. Nobody really drives anywhere (in a car). They just tootle around in their golf carts.

They have Town Squares.

Town. Squares.

Who does that???

They do.

Anyway, I am looking forward to going to see my dad and surrounding myself with old people who drink a lot and play golf and dance in Town Squares. Everyone needs a little dancing in a Town Square in their life.



  1. Damn, I wish I was 126 pounds. Never in THIS lifetime! Ha! Don't stress, my dear. We should go have some

  2. Agreed. De-stress indeed. Yikes.
