Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Folks, one of the cats in my house is either insane...or a genius. I can't decide which one it is yet.

Yes - this is a post about my cats.


I came out of my room a few minutes ago to grab a soda from the fridge when something sparkly on the dining room floor caught my eye. I toddled on over to see what it was, to find this (I apologize for crap pictures. Only camera handy was the cell-phone. Fail):

Observe the evidence. That above is my box of wrapping paper, laying haphazardly on my floor. I'm lazy and cheap so I buy the boxes with the shit already matching. Kick ass. Strewn across it is some ribbon that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. I was confused. So I followed the trail of ribbon...

The ribbon was wrapped around the dining room chairs on the left side of the table. I was intrigued. Please disregard my scarf and tape dispenser (yes, it's a high-heel tape dispenser. Be jealous). Another hazard of living with destructive curious felines.  I followed still...

Folks, that ribbon was wrapped ENTIRELY around my dining room table and chairs. I have no idea HOW it happened or when this event took place.  But needless to say, I am mystified.


Who says living with cats is boring?? Pssh.


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