Thursday, February 3, 2011

From One Happy Snapsnot....

One of my favorite quotes from a movie goes something like this:
"You never see the hard days in a photo album... but those are the ones that get you from one happy snapshot to the next."
I love that quote. I think it best describes how relationships work sometimes. Sometimes, things just get messy and you have a crappy day. A day where nothing, absolutely nothing, goes right.

E and I had one of those days a couple of days ago. It was just bad from the get-go. E lost his keys. I think my apartment ate them. He was stranded at the apartment until I got off of work so that I could take him back down to St. Augustine to get his spare. I was tired, cranky, and hormonal. Not a good combination.

By the time I got off work, I was in a horrible mood and E was irritated that his keys had been swallowed by my apartment. Rightfully so. We drove down to St. Augustine and proceeded to look for his spare key for two hours, all the while E getting more and more ticked off at his predicament. By this time, my blood sugar had dropped very low.

See, here's the thing about me. I get low blood sugar sometimes and it causes me to zone out, get really irritable, and lightheaded. So, needless to say, that sprinkled with my already bad mood and a dash of  E's irritation was a recipe for disaster. Things got messy. However, we talked about it understood that this was just a very craptastic day and we moved on.

Anyhow, this little story brings me to my point. Sometimes, things just go wrong and life gets messy. It's what you do with the mess that matters. Like the quote above says "You never see the hard times in a photo album" because you don't. You don't see the times that are rough and the days that are bad. Sometimes you have to acknowledge that things go wrong and move forward. You have to remember what is more important: A crappy day or all of the good days that came before that. Me? I choose to think about the good days. Because those are the ones that really count.

That's what it's all about. 

Not the lost car keys. Not the bad moods. Not the low blood sugar. But the times you can be with the person you love and truly enjoy them for who they are, knowing they will be there to make you laugh. 

Even when the hormones are threatening to turn you into a semi-homicidal maniac.

Bless my boyfriend...


1 comment:

  1. Love this. SO true. Remember the good days and talk through the bad ones! xoxo
