Thursday, February 10, 2011

Life is Short

Today we got news that someone we knew was shot and killed yesterday afternoon. He was a good man. There was no sense in the killing, not that there ever is when something like this happens. He was doing yard-work when some crazy man shot him in the head and left him there to die.

When something like this happens, it strikes me very hard. I try my best to make sense of the "why". But sometimes, there just is no "why". I think that's the hardest part for me to accept. This was a good man. He was loved by his community and his family. For him to be struck down in such a senseless, stupid way just leaves me dumbstruck.

It brings into sharp relief how short and precious life can truly be. No matter how invincible we may think we are, life can be brought to a very abrupt halt by some lunatic with a gun. This world has turned into a dangerous place. No matter what kind of neighborhood you live in, no matter what side of town, people are still people. And some of these people are evil, evil people.

So when you get home tonight, make you sure hug your wife/husband/significant other/kids/pets and tell them you love them. Because life is wretchedly short and incredibly, incredibly precious.


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