Sunday, February 20, 2011

Picture Challenge Day Four

A Picture of Your Night.

Well, I would go outside and take a picture of my night but E has my camera for a producing thingie (it's a technical term you non-movie folk wouldn't understand...*ahem*) he's doing tomorrow. So! I will post a picture of one of my favorite nights, in one of my favorite places.

This was taken on Christmas night down in St. Augustine. It was my first official date with E.
I will endeavor, someday, to write that story down. I have started to already but it needs some tweaks. Needless to say, it's one of my favorite pictures because it captures the romance of that night. And Gumby. He's sporting a Santa hat down there at the bottom, haha. 

In other news, I had an amazing weekend. I will blog more about it later, as I am quite tired and smidge sunburned. But I will leave you with this picture:

It was good times. :)

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