Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heart Wreath!

So, as mentioned in my last post, I tackled the heart wreath my cousin made.

Here's how I started:

That would be Gypsy, trying to helpful. 

I started out with blue, orange, pink, and red felt. Why so many colors, you ask? 

Well, because my thumbs had a death wish, that's why!

So, I cut and I cut and I cut and I cut until I had about 200+ of those lovely little felt circles.

Aren't they lovely? Yes..yes they are. 

Yesterday, I went over to my mother's house to make the actual wreaths. 

This has taught me two very valuable lessons:

1. I REALLY need to invest in a thimble. 
2. My thumbs will never ever forgive me. 

Here are the end results:

E's Bears wreath! 

I added a slight twist on mine. I included pink felt as well as red. I think it turned out nicely.

Now, I'm going to go lose my mind because E and I thought it would be a fabulous idea to host a Super Bowl party. 



  1. Holy High Tail! That's a shit-ton of circles!!!! They turned out great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Aw, thank you dahling! You and I should have a crafty day soon!

  3. What a mother/daughter bonding experience that was! Yikes, my thumbs! Thimbles are definitely in order if you want to make these. Had a great time with my kid, and thanks to Krissy for the great idea! I even managed (mostly) to keep my OCD tendencies in, that little felt foldy thingy did NOT have to be exactly the same distance from the last one..very tricky for us OCDers when working with more than one color. However, sanity prevailed, Ash was greatly relieved, and the wreaths turned out great. I am shopping for thimbles this weekend.
