Monday, January 17, 2011


I would take pictures, but I left my camera at E's house.


Oh well. Speaking of E! I haven't really mentioned him here on my little corner of the web. I may have made reference to his bag of grapefruits, but that's about it. I have my reasons for keeping that part of my life private

I will write a much, much longer post about him when I get up the gumption. There's quite a bit to tell, haha. However, suffice it to say he is wonderful and I am very happy.

Back to the house! I went grocery shopping for the first time in about a month and a half. I know, I know. Fail Ashley, fail. My cupboards were so bare they looked like Mother Hubbard's (yes I did just say that). I'm so witty.

Where was I? Food? Groceries! Yes, yes, groceries. I went to Target and spent WAY more than I should have. Suffice it to say, $200.00 and a panic attack later, I was at home, unpacking. And I tell you what, unloading groceries is the only time I really find myself missing having a fella around. Well, that and when crap breaks and I am left running around in a panic, bemoaning my life. Or, when I need something from the top of said bare cupboards and can't reach it because I'm a midget. But I digress. It's such a pain in the rear-end to trek back and forth from the condo to the car, hauling groceries and cursing the entire time because your back hurts and you've been in heels all day long.

Maybe that's just me. God I sound old.

Anyway. I unloaded my groceries and then began to clean. For the next five hours. Now, when I clean, I CLEAN. My house is SPOTLESS. And damn that feels SO. GOOD. The cats are slightly traumatized, but it's clean. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't nasty or anything. However, it needed a good scrubbing down. A really good scrubbing down.

There's something so cathartic about cleaning like that. I usually clean like that when I am going through something. I'm what you might call an "angry cleaner". When I get REALLY pissed off, I clean. I think it helps me to think and clear my head. So, should any of you come over and find me cleaning and muttering various obscenities to myself, be assured that I am indeed extremely pissed off at that particular moment. And back away. Unless you want a dirty rag thrown at you.

Hi! Still there? Great!

I wasn't angry tonight though. This clean was more of a cleansing, if you will. A metaphorical cleansing of the soul that I desperately needed. I needed my home to feel like MINE again. And it finally does. It feels like my sanctuary again. And that feels really really good.

Anyhow, this has been an incredibly disjointed rambling of a blog post. I apologize. But I needed to get these thoughts out of my head.

Hence, blog.


  1. If I make you REALLY, REALLY mad......will you come clean my house?

  2. Haha, yes. Just feed me and water me and I'll clean.
