Monday, January 3, 2011

Lake House

I feel I have been remiss in my posting. I shall rectify

I spent New Years Eve day at my friend Dwight's Lake House which is inhabited by his cousin, my dear friend, Teline. Whew! That was exhausting to explain!

You may visit Teline here: She talks about all sorts of interesting movie business stuff!

Where was I? Lake House? Oh yes. Lake House (I love how I'm capitalizing both words, makes it sound so important).

I have never been to a more peaceful place. Well, maybe the mountains, but this is an extremely close second! But I digress. This place is seriously in the middle of nowhere. To get there, you have to turn OFF the paved road. I had to pass through a town called "Spuds". Yes, friends, there is in a town in Florida called "Spuds".

Observe: Spuds

I literally burst out laughing when I saw the sign for the town. I had no idea what to do with myself. The drive wasn't too terrible. It only took a little over an hour to get there. The roads were pretty empty though.

Once I got there, I spent most of my time just chatting with Teline, filling her on the latest gossip, etc. I finally got a tour of the grounds and we sat out on the dock for a good long while, just talking and relaxing. 

I made Teline do this. I'm corny...

Anyways, so we're sitting out there, shooting the breeze when I get the bright idea to ask Teline to show me the fabled grapefruit tree. You see, at the Christmas party, Teline brought a huge bag full of grapefruits from said tree. Only Eli was brave enough to take it home. Bless him. 

The tree!

Inside the tree, Teline informed me, was a bird's nest. She advised that the (wow...I just said "advised"..can you tell what I do for a living??) baby birds talked to her whilst she was plucking the fruit from the tree. I informed her that I must locate this nest and observe the baby birds. 

I located the nest!!!

However. Apparently momma bird was displeased at me taking pictures of her wee ones. I looked up from the camera and momma flew right past my head into the tree. Needless to say, I was alarmed. I exclaimed "Whoa!!" and backed up quickly. Teline, however, took it to the next level. She yelled "OH NO! RUN AWAY!" and then proceed away. Left me for dead, she did! I started laughing so hard I dropped my grapefruits. Literally.

So, after near death by pecking, we went back inside and Teline started cooking. I observing. And taking pictures. 

I called it..."Afternoon at the Lake House"

I call it..."Lamp". Profound...I know.

And now...the food!

Pie...I didn't get to eat any. I was sad...

The best spinach and artichoke dip...ever.  

Is that not the most beautiful veggie tray? I think so. 

The falafel! 

I had a wonderful time there and ate lots of tasty food, as you can see. It was really good to just get away and relax and talk and gossip....and eat. 




  1. Momma birds scare me!

    After working in the corporate world for almost 5 years..."Please be advised.." is my favorite phrase.

  2. Oh! Or how about "Enclosed herein"? Eh? Eh? I'm found of that. And "wherefore". *headdesk*
