Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So this is a Blog, you say?

I've always wanted to start a blog. I've always loved rambling (typing) on and on about whatever thought-stream happens to be going through my brain at any one particular moment. However, I never really thought seriously about publishing said thoughts. Until today. Today I thought to myself "Self - you should start a blog. You have thoughts. You have words. Just do it. What do you have to lose?". So, here you have it, mighty intarweb. My Blog.

So, about me. I'm 28 and I live in Jacksonville, FL. I dislike living here. No, correction, I despise living here. Don't get me wrong, bloggy friends, I love my friends and my family but I am just not built for Florida weather. I'm allergic to the sun, for pities sake! My boyfriend calls me "Powder" if that tells you anything. Anyhow, moving right along. I have two cats, Atticus and Gypsy. One is fat and lazy and the other is spastic and neurotic (I think she gets it from me, honestly), respectively.

I am a paralegal by day and a bookworm and TV addict by night. I love my glue-gun. A topic of which I shall explore later. I enjoy cooking and cooking for people. Feeding people gives my joy. I think it's a southern thing. I have a lovely boyfriend, who shall go by T for the purposes of this blog. I enjoy him very much as well.

Here, in my little corner of the web, you will find the various activities of my life and whatever random thoughts happen to stroll through my brain at any given moment. So, sit back and enjoy. It'll be a weird, albeit entertaining, ride.

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