Monday, November 8, 2010

Meet the Parents

One of my favorite movies, I must say. This weekend the boy and I took a wee trip up to Georgia so I could meet his dad and his step-mom. I've always loathed this process. Not because I dislike the people who I am meeting, but there is something unsettling about meeting people who you KNOW are judging everything you do and/or say. So, needless to say, I was nervous.

I put on a good face for the boy though. The conversation before we got to his parent's house went something like this:

Him: "You okay honey?"

Me: *too high voice* "I'm good!"

Him: "You sure? You're not nervous?"

Me: *lying through my teeth* "Noooo, not one bit. I'm good! Not nervous at all. I'm fine"

While inwardly, this was my thought process: "Oh god, they won't like my scarf!!! I'm DOOMED! Oh god, they will think I have too much make-up on. I'm DOOMED! Oh god, does my breath stink? Am I wearing too much perfume??? I'm DOOMED!" Now, that was all kept inside because heaven forbid my boyfriend actually have some insight as to what my internal monologue was like. I was sweating bullets. On the inside. On the outside - cool as a cucumber.

Luckily for me, his parents were wonderful people. His step-mom was so warm and inviting. She gave me pine-cones to decorate! Apparently she is craftier than I am, so this was splendid. His father was very nice and told me a lot about cooking, which I found rather interesting. And he gave me purple lilies! Observe:

Sweet man. I guess I know where the boy gets it from. Please ignore my very messy desk.

Until next time - A.

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