Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crafty McCrafterson

I mentioned previously that I love my glue-gun. Allow me to expound upon that point, if you will. When I first purchased my glue-gun, I was drunk with the power of it. Oh, to have that kind of sticking ability at my finger tips was intoxicating. It got to the point where I intentionally broke things, just so I could say "Never fear! I have a GLUE-GUN!". Yes, friends, it was that bad.

That being said, I love to make things with said glue-gun. Wreathes, centerpieces, spiderwebs with my fingers, you name it. So as the holiday season approaches, I am tempted to start making a new set of holiday decorations. I find that buying them pre-made sort of takes the fun out of it. I can remember watching my mother make things with her glue-gun and telling myself that one day I would be that crafty. I hope that one day I can show my daughter (should I ever have one) how to create beautiful door decorations just like me (hey, we all have dreams, allow me mine)!

However, I find myself bereft of ideas this year. What should I make? What should my theme be? I thought about making an Ohio State University wreath for T (he graduated from there and is a psychotic fan). I have seriously considered this option. I thought it might be fun to gather as much Ohio State stuff as I could possibly find and go nuts (haha, I made a joke. Ohio State's mascot is a buckeye. A poisonous nut. Go nuts! Get it? I kill myself...).

Certainly something to ponder. I do believe a trip to Micheal's is now warranted.  Yes indeed...

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