Monday, November 15, 2010

Death Pie and Pine Cones

I have a four-day weekend coming up for Thanksgiving. Thank goodness. I need a BREAK. And I have plans. Oh yes, plans have I. First on the agenda - Make This:

Pumpkin Cake (or Death Pie, whichever you prefer)

I saw this recipe from the lovely Paula Deen and I have vowed to make it for myself...and others. But mainly for myself. Because I'm greedy that way. Anyhow, I'm not sure where exactly I am going to bring this cake, as Thanksgiving plans are slightly up in the air at the moment. So, I may very well get to dive face-first into that cake, all by myself. Splendid.

T's step-mother gave me a bag full of huge pine-cones to decorate for Christmas. And since I was a rebel and put up some of my decorations BEFORE Thanksgiving, I figured I may as well make a trip to Michael's this weekend and buy some spray paint and other sparkly things to put on said pine-cones. I must Google.  I do believe the glue-gun will be making an emergence from it's long hibernation! Glory!

More to come about the pine-cone and Death Pie project. I may do a test run of the Death Pie just to make sure it's fit for human consumption. You know...for everyone's benefit. *ahem*


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