Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Addiction

I have a confession to make. It's shameful, it truly is. It's something I have to do, almost nightly in order to get a fix.

.......I MUST watch terrible reality T.V. shows. MUST. It's like heroin to me. I LOVE them. Real Housewives of whatever city/county/state. Jersey anything. ANY Kardashian sister. Oh yes - you name it, I'll watch it. I just can't help myself.

Yes, friends, nightly. I may need an Intervention. Speaking of which! I can have ALL seasons of that lovely show on my Netflix Instant Queue!

You see?


It's a disease.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog. Whew! I must admit...The Real Housewives of God Knows Where is my favorite. It's awful. Awful goodness. xoxox
