Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Book-Page Wreath! My First Tutorial!

So, I have been seeing all of these book-page and sheet music wreaths floating around the intarwebs. So, being the enterprising lady I am, I decided to make my own. For FREE. I love free things. ESPECIALLY crafty free things!

You will need:

Glue gun
Old book you have dismantled
Something to glue the pages on

That's it!

Here we go! 

First, I needed something sorta sturdy to glue the pages to. So, I found an old folder in my drawer and drew a circle using a plate and then another circle inside of the big circle using a cup.

Please excuse my carpets. *ahem* And my Tigger plate...haha!

Next, cut out your circles!

And watch Netflix. And excuse my creepy midget hand. Multi-tasking is a gift...I'm blessed.

Dismantle your book! I just ripped off the back and started ripping out pages. This will be satisfying should you have some frustrations you need to get out.

Yikes my craft area is messy. Don't be like me...

Start rolling! The first few can be a little tricky until you get the shape you want. However, I found that a variety of sizes and lengths added some whimsy to the wreath.

Easy peasy. Creepy midget hand.

Next, add a wee drop of hot glue. And don't burn yourself....like me...*ahem*

Don't ya just lurve hot glue? Oh I know I do.

And my glue-gun...

I've named her Blue-Bell. Don't judge me...see: Glue Gun Obsession

They should look kinda like this:

I swear, this is the last you'll see of my creepy midget hand.

Just keep rolling up your pages until you can't stand it anymore. Then do some more. And then...start gluing!

 I started out a little bit away from the center. I wanted to do two layers to give it some depth.

In order to satisfy my OCD, I placed a candle-holder E gave me in the center so I would have a neat circle in the middle.
Ingenious, I say! Thanks, honey!

Just keep gluing and gluing and burning gluing.

Almost done!

And finally....


String that baby up with some ribbon and hang her up! This won't be the final place for this wreath. I'm not sure where I'm going to put it, but I wanted to show how it looked up on the wall.

I am in looooooove with this wreath.

And not just 'cause it was free....

Hope you try it!


1 comment:

  1. I have always loved these! My friend Laura made one a while ago out of a smut book from the dollar store! SCORE!
