Tuesday, March 8, 2011

They Were Clouds in My Coffee...

Hello bloggy friends! A WEEK and I have posted nothing. I have been neglecting you!

That's ok.

A few quick updates:

1. Apothecary Jars are still in progress. I have learned several things from this experience.
  • When it says "unfinished wood"...it lies
  • Sanding down said "unfinished wood" is a must
  • Priming is also a must.
As you may have gathered from the above-list, things got a wee bit scary there for a minute with my spraypainting. But, lesson learned. It's all a learning experience. Knowledge is powah...or so they say.

2. I made the most adorable topiary. I will post pictures of it once the other one is completed. I uh...didn't buy enough flowers for two balls so uhm...only one got done. Again! Learning experience!

3. I got some phat lootz from my cousin's garage sale. For FREE. Because she's awesome. In case you didn't know. I have plans for the loot. Oh yes I do.

Let's see. Anything else? Oh! I'm getting a roommate! And before any of yous gets all smart-alecky, it's a HUMAN. Yeah - no more cats. Anyhow, my lovely friend Teline will be moving in sometime this month. So that should be, in her words, a criminal amount of fun.

Or so much nerdiness in one space that the apartment implodes from the sheer magnitude of the dork.

Either way! It shall be good. E is most pleased. He thinks I'm alone too much. He may be right. Hmm. Is it bad when you have conversations with your cats?

Anyhow! That's all for now! Apothecary jars should be finished within the week. I have to go buy the finials and some burlap and that should be it. Oh...and the flowers. Cause uhm...right now my other topiary is bald and sad. It'll probably need therapy after this is all said and done.


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